Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Begets

In the Tannakh (old testament?) there are sections where they really go into who beget who.

Its kind of political.

For instance, if the person they are speaking of is a good person, then they will stretch out who beget who, who beget who, etc until they reach a righteous individual.  However, if its a wicked person, or they want to hint to you that its a wicked person, then they will extend the begets until a wicked person.

This makes me think of  RWS whiteStream Media's FakeNews.  Whenever they speak of a FBA, somehow they have to mention any and all criminal activity, drug use, parking ticket, etc that they may have dealt with whether they were actually convicted or not.  Whereras when its a white person they are speaking of, they recount what a swell guy he is. If they can't anything good he actually did, they just call him "normal" or "family guy."

It's really important to know that we are reading and watching whiteStream media and try to refrain when possible.

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