Thursday, April 25, 2019

Passover - Pesach

This Passover was done in my mom's basement since I was visiting her.  Thankfully, there was a local Chabad synagogue nearby -- there are always Chabad houses everywhere.  While reading the Hagadah, the Passover guide booklet, I began to imagine the Hebrews leaving Egyptian bondage.

I realized in my mind, I imagine they're all black and brown, both the Egyptian and the Hebrews.  In my mind, I don't imagine it in any racial way because everyone was basically looking alike.

But this may not be what others imagine when they think about Passover.

I am sure there are many, many Jews who imagine white Jews in streimel hats and bekasha coats and tights walking away from Black barbaric Africans.

In the Jewish world, the advances of Ancient Egypt is not stressed -- if talked about at all, its only described as if they had "magic," which they had, but that's it.  Their medical advances, agricultural knowledge, mathematical prowess are all left in the hopes that no one will know about it.  They are described more as lustful barbarians.

But the interesting thing is very often when there was famine, somehow Gd made sure Egypt had.  And many countries came to Egypt's extended hand.  When Abraham lied that Sarah was his sister (lest they killed him in order to get to Sarah if it was his wife presumably), Gd saved Pharaoh from connecting with a married woman by putting boils on his skin.  When Pharaoh investigated, he realized it was Sarah and Abraham that was the source of his problems.  He immediately released Sarah, chided Abraham, and offered his own daughter Hagar to serve them.

Was Abraham such a great figure that the Pharaoh of Egypt would give his own daughter to him as a servant?

Or was Abraham such a small fry that he had to worry that Pharaoh of Egypt would slaughter him out of hand to take his wife?

At any rate, I don't think most Jews think of the exodus from Egypt as a Black/Brown people leaving another Black/Brown people.  I think in order to fit themselves into the narrative, they see the Hebrews as a European group of people getting away from Black Africans.  And thinking like that, its not hard to slip in, covertly or overtly, racial ideas in the divrei Torahs said in the comforts of their living rooms and in the seclusion of their own kind.

For this reason, I was very, very grateful for my Passover in my mother's basement.  It was as if this year was special because I was "spared" and "passed over" any possible subtle racial divrei Torahs; i.e. they missed me with their racist divrei Torahs.

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