Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Emotional language, Mitigating Judgment, And Cheatings

If I look at the above picture, I would say, "An African man has a spear."

I wouldn't say an African man IS a spear.  Meaning, the spear is not what makes the person.  The person possess the spear, the spear is in his control and he's not possessed by the spear.

In Ebonics (as well as in Hebrew) the verb "is" is hardly used.  "you good?" "You in the house?""the car red" instead of the car is red.  Talking this way keeps the subject intact.  The subject of the sentence does not BECOME the adjective. "The car red" The car has the color red connected to it, but the car itself is not declared red.  The essence of the car remains intact, and red is simply an attribute.

This should also be for emotions.  If we say, "I am angry."or "I am happy.." its as if we're saying that we ARE the adjective.  Adjectives are words that support and describe a noun. Its a support.  When you say, "I am angry" and declare yourself an adjective, that means you are a support to Anger.  You are under Anger. You are possessed by the spirit of Anger.

But you should not be under anyone or anything.  You can HAVE anger, or you can HAVE happiness.  In those cases you are more in control.  Just like holding a spear.  You HAVE a "spear."

Religion, it seems, was SUPPOSED to help elevate people to a place higher than spirit, higher than emotions.  For this reason there are festive days, where you rouse yourself, no matter what is actually happening in your life, and be happy.  Good food,  good tempo music, fragrance, all these help to bring happiness.  Also, there are fast days.  Days of affliction.  In those days, a person thinks sad thoughts, eats little or nothing, and do whatever it takes to bring themselves to sadness.  Basically, they are training to have emotions ON COMMAND.

The NBM (New Black Media) have definitely shepherd the FBA into a new level. The World of Speech.  But what's required in this new level is a good control of the spirits and emotions.  What can be done here is the mitigation of judgments.  It all depends on how well the cards are played.

Control of the Spirits and Emotions

The keys for controlling spirit and emotion are WORDS.  It can be the difference between a "loser" and "someone who never quits"  If you think about it, both are losing.  But the one who "never quits" have not resigned themselves to this conclusion yet, and so there is still hope that he will succeed eventually. (But at the moment, they are both losers!)

It can be the difference between a "thug" and a "crazy kid."  Both are doing unapproved things, but one, his whole essence is labeled by the thing he did, whereas the other one, essentially is still a kid, just doing a crazy thing.

Now even though we are bombarded with very negative portrayal of black people in the media, when we attempt to correct this, often times we are coming from a place of emotion.  A place of retaliatory spirit, a place of hurt. So along with our response comes a string of other spirits and emotions.  This is like hitting someone with a log versus a laser precision beam directed at a problem.  With the log, more than what needed to be hit gets hit.  With the laser precision beam, only that which needed the hitting gets hit.

The RWS FakeMedia uses every opportunity to disparage Black people.  But if you pay attention to how its done exactly, its done with a very cool air. It's very calmly done.  No heated words.  In other words, its done in such a light way, that only the choiced word inflicts the blow, but everything else is kept light and snappy.  Only the afflicted ones feel the sting, the other viewers remain oblivious to it.

Should there be always be two medium?  Should there be a black media and a white media, because they communicate very differently?  Should  the New Black Media  consider having a "white audience" department, preferably in written form?  Who is reaching out to the GWP (good white people)?

Mitigating Judgments

Speaking of words, the N-word is the perfect pavlovian dog test.  Black folks have been taught and trained that if they ever hear that word, they must fight.  If they ever hear that word, they have to go to jail. That is too much power!  Thankfully, the youth have mitigated that word into "nigga" which is now arguably the most sought-after word in the English language, the one that crowns you "cool."

That was a hit or miss.  But in the world of Speech, we can't afford hit or misses.  Words must be calculated.  The mitigating of judgment must be purposeful.  Just as in the case of when the media attempted to slander Michael Jackson, thanks to the efforts of NBM, many did not buy it.

With the steady and continuous drumbeat that is going on, anything is possible. Even staunch critics of the New Black Media, such as Diallo Kenyatta thinks reparation is possible (not 100% sure if its from the NBM or not).  But the main thing is to not be reactionary, otherwise who is truly at the helm?

The Cheatings

It was revealed recently, in the RWS's Media, that several popular figures, white celebrities, had cheated and lied to get their children into schools, to give their children degrees, scholarships, and so on.  This itself should not be big news, liars lie, water is wet.

The question is why did this explode now?  Were the  embattled media moguls going after white women in the name of revenge from the MeToo movement?  Was this really an act of the Feds justly going after an injustice?

Whatever the case, a side effect was the revelation to the Black world just how deep the rabbit hole went.  There is no competition.  All that revving of the motor trying to go to school to learn a skill, to reach a high position, to do better, to compete, all that effort to pull oneself up by the bootstraps, etc. was pointless.  The game was rigged all along.

I don't even know if I'd call it racism at this point. It's just power trying to maintain their power grip.

And so what's the answer to this?

Nothing.  We have our goal and must keep rising steadily through the spirals of time.

Round 1:  We are born.  We are nothing. We grow.  Realize our good traits.  Hone those good traits.  One good trait brings on more good traits.  Finally the person is whole.  A skillful, upstanding hueman being.

Round 2:  As a person, we are complete.  But as a community we are nothing.  Again, we grow -- find spouse, have children, find other like-minded, developed families and combine forces to create a whole, self-sufficient community.

Round 3.  As a nation, we are nothing.  Again, we grow.  Discover other good communities we can come together with.  Finally the nation is whole.

This should always be the goal.  And no matter what interesting news and distraction that comes up, we can look a minute, but then get back to the goal.  Don't let the distractions deter us from our goal.

As first huemans, we were born into a peaceful time.  A time where we could explore and create and discover and develop.  Mathematics, science, medicine, architecture, art, all these were born from peaceful living.  There are yet more "babies" to be born.  But we need the peaceful living for them to come.  Stress makes us too infertile, like the very same wicked people who seek to hurt and kill -- who only know money and lies -- who promote racism and injustice.  Stay away from these stress-makers as much as possible.  People who worship idols -- i.e. money are as infertile as their empty gods are.  Stick to the plan.  Create a safe haven.  Teach the children.  Raise crops. The sooner we are self-sufficient, the easier it will be to detach from any society that doesn't have our well-being at heart.

 As for dealing with the wicked people, a warrior class is needed. The NBM is part of that class.  but meanwhile, what of developing the children?  The home?  The person? The community?  We can't all go as a herd to one task.  There are many tasks.  Different people must take on different roles.  That's what makes the community work.


Saturday, March 16, 2019

This Saturday

This Saturday, every Jews is commanded to go to synagogue and hear the Torah portion, Deuteronomy 25:17.

"17 Remember what Amalek did unto thee by the way as ye came forth out of Egypt; 18 how he met thee by the way, and smote the hindmost of thee, all that were enfeebled in thy rear, when thou wast faint and weary; and he feared not God. 19 Therefore it shall be, when the LORD thy God hath given thee rest from all thine enemies round about, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it, that thou shalt blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven; thou shalt not forget. "

This is really important and I wish all the Africans (I'm including ADOS here), all the Native Americans, all the South Pacific Islanders -- basically, all the "earthy" people should know this. Its basically saying that despite our humanity, we must know that there exist in this world, "people" who want to kill at all cost.  They are cowardly and will hide.  They will attack the stragglers, the women and children, the weak ones among us.  They have no morals and they certainly don't care about G-d.

I think if this knowledge was more widespread, people can be more on guard.

Remember Amalek.

Amalek was the grandson of Esau (Esav) who, as the story goes, despite all the miracles that happened with the Hebrews, still wanted to go after them.  They wanted it, even if it was a suicidal run. 

Remember Amalek.

Who is Amalek today?  You can probably guess.  Just guard yourselves and now that there is no rhyme or reason to their madness.

Remember Amalek.

Monday, March 4, 2019

ADOS/FBA, Self-hate, Politics, and Money

Getting on board with ADOS, Self Hate, Politics, and Money

I. As ADOS/FBA  picks up steam, many are still apprehensive about this. Although I support it, one concern came up after hearing Tariq Nasheed hashing it out with an African caller:

Have a listen:

Many African tribes have been pitted one tribe against another to the advantage of the European colonizers.  Now the colonizers are reaping all the benefits while the two African brothers are fighting.  No doubt, the Chinese will do the same.

If this is what tribalism does to Africans, what will happen once the African-American society joins in this and declares themselves a tribe?  Will this spiral down to endless infighting amongst various tribes, with ADOS, now thrown into the mix, is this to the advantage of Africans or to the advantage of those who seek to oppress?

And if African groups cannot give up their tribal identity, then why not remove the current country borders that were imposed by colonial powers that exist now?  Why not dissolve these countries and put the borders back to the tribal borders the way it was before the colonizers came? Clearly, that cannot be an option (yet) because the colonial forces have puppet governments who will do their bidding.  And removing the borders is not the order.

Add to it all, the fact that when Black folks set their minds to something, it becomes reality.  They keep it real.  And it becomes reality.  End of story. That is a good thing about Black folks, if what they're doing is beneficial.   However, the problem is that tribalism is politics.  And politics is a lie. Its a pretend.  It's a make believe reality. But Black folks are taking it literally, physically. and actually. They are accepting the borders as reality, accepting the ordered unjust treatment of other tribes as reality, as a result reacting with tribalism, and making it all a real chaotic reality.

When I first heard about the ADOS movement, and the Foundational Black American movement, I was all for it.  But when I heard the way some FBAs were speaking to Black immigrants, I began to be afraid.  Has tribalism come to the shores of America?  But many Africans looked down on FBAs, so perhaps tribalism already came way before now.  Hopefully, each will be a force to recon with, and they will help each other in an upward spiral of kindness..

As we evolve, we absolutely reject the place we were before.  It becomes a source of shame.  I remember reading in a Torah book where it explained that a higher (i.e. more knowledgeable) sage would be so bright, so full of knowledge, that his light would singe the canopy of the lesser sage below him. And each sage singed the canopy of the lower one.  (Not sure if that was heaven or hell) And I am seeing this happening  before my eyes.

In the 1930s and 40s, and even 50s, ADOS/FBAs did not have many options for job if they didn't want to start their own business.  Many took on jobs as maids, butlers, and other servantile positions.  They worked hard.  They had to abandon their families, and take care of the white families that they worked for.   But they saved enough money to get their children through school in the hopes that their children will do better.  And they did!

But I am hearing those children looking back at those people who took on the ugly jobs, who sucked it up in the name of bringing up the future, and they are now called mammies and mules.

Not too long ago, Black America collectively would vote mostly democratic.  But now, its foolish if you return to that same "vomit" that has produce no tangibles for Black folks specifically.

Its great that we are evolving, but do we have to scorn the past?

A great model of time would be the kinky, curly hair.  Round and round it spirals upwards and downwards in a continuous pattern.  If you stretched out the hair, and angled it just right, you can see all northern points on the spiral one in front of the other one.  Or you could see all the southern tip of the curl all spiraled one in front of the other one.

Just like the hair, time is also in a spiral form.  In the spiral of time, you can see all the January 1st that ever was, that is, and that ever will be lined up one behind the other.  Or you can see all the March 12 that ever was, and that ever will be lined up one behind the other, and so on.

Each circle in the spiral represents a year, or a space in time.  Must we hate the past?  Must we hate our curly hair? Every time we rise up to a new level, a new curl, a new time, we seem to hate the level below, the curl below, the time before.  "Who taught you to hate your hair?" as Malcolm X once asked.  "Who taught you to hate your history?  Who taught you to hate your progress? Own it. Delve into it. Understand it in its context.  Understand it in its texture. Embrace yourself, your progress, and your hair.

The good news is the very fact that there is tribalism -- one tribe fighting to secure goods and resources for their tribe as opposed to another tribe -- tells us that all the tribes considers themselves worthy.  No one has given up.  This is unlike the rigid caste system in India where the Untouchables are considered unworthy even at birth and nothing can be done about it. It seems even Untouchables believe in their own untouchability as there is not much resistance aside from some  changing religions or concealing their identity.

So, by the Africans, self-esteem has not been eroded.  Hope is not lost. By the ADOS/FBA clearly they have self-esteem sa they are going toe-to-toe with the RWS beast.  .And hopefully, eventually, our Asian Black brothers and sisters will awaken.

Were Black Americans the untouchables amongst other African tribes?  Have they shed that imposed identity by declaring themselves a tribe?

It is definitely a beautiful thing that FBAs became a tribe.  Its as if they went from the "World of the Living Dead"  where they were nearly destroyed with slavery, hated their own features, depended on whites for everything.

Then they progressed into the World of Action, as they began to develop themselves individually.  Realizing they have good character traits, honing those traits.  One trait brings other traits, and eventually you have heroes.

And now the ADOS/FBA have entered the World of Speech.  This is the time and place where perceptions are created and destroyed.  This is the time and place where the biggest foe is the media and their slander.  There are three ways to kill a person: (1) killing the actual body, (2) killing the spirit - by demoralizing, shaming, or humiliating a person, and (3) by killing the soul -- taking away a person's income and wealth.  In the World of Speech, the enemy is after the spirit.

The key here is knowing what is truth and what is a lie.  It's not necessary to reject the lie, but rather to know how to maneuver it, how to handle it, how to treat it and get what you want out of it.  Good command of the emotions is essential here.  Like this, we can mitigate a wicked judgement.  Meaning, we will know what to do should wicked people try to condemn us or one of us.

Recently, many Black celebrities have been thrown out into the media and slandered. How will you mitigate this "judgement"? How will you maneuver it to you Black collective advantage?  An example, is to use it as proof why whiteStream media should not be given attention, and divert the Black public away from them at long last.  Another way is to disprove whiteStream media's credibility and kill the Black masses' trust in them once and for all.

Tribalism = one tribe fighting for resources for its own people as opposed to another people.   The main reason this exists is because of colonialism.  Colonizers purposefully carved the borders pitting various tribes with one another and then reduced the amount of resources available to the public.  Basically, a lie was fabricated and enforced, and now we react to it.

Why? Because those tribes were not at the level of Speech yet.  Were we there, we would understand that the borders are a lie, and not fight one another about it.  Our reacting and responding to this lie is what establishes it into the world of Action, the real world.  It is imperative that we understand our power and DECIDE what we want to establish as reality.

Now the colonizers are ruthless.  And to insure that the group does not simply just deal with their own tribes, they then imposed taxes to prevent trading between country borders. To fully cut off tribal members from their collective, and force them to either deal with the tribes within the country border, or deal with colonizers.   Now it's cheaper to trade with a European country, than for one African country to trade with another African country.

This is law.  Europeans use laws as daggers.  And the short-sighted Africans that go along with this are not an asset to their people, nor for the benefit of Africa in the long term.

As the FBA come into being, I pray that they are aware that politics is one of those things that should not be brought into the real world. It is a lie.  And as such must be manipulated and maneuvered to FBA's advantage. Its fake talk used in fake arenas to speak with fake people.

If you can imagine the ground.  Everything on the ground is reality and real.  We are real. Then just above the ground is a fog.  Everything in that fog is fake.  Lies. This is where liars dwell.  This is where RWS dwell. They can lie all they want, but unless we take what they say to heart and bring it down to our world, the real world, it remains just that, all talk and lies and foggy air.

If we take their lies seriously and bring it into the real world, we bring chaos and war upon our own heads and upon our world.

If you take someone from Kenya and ask him "what are you?"  will he say, "I am Luo."?  Or will he say, "I am Kenyan."?  Which is the true reality?

The Jewish people accepted themselves as a tribe. As such, they defined their parameters both spiritually and physically.  Because of this, they have relegated themselves within the borders of Israel.  That is their "homeland" as far as they're concerned.  And for the Jews who venture out of that homeland, they live on alert and learn well the laws of the land they are in -- they map out the "fog" and learn to maneuver around it..  Many try not to get involved in the goings-on of that land.  And the times that they have gotten too involved, it has proven quite disastrous.  The Asians seem to know better, and avoid politics.

In the same token, if an African defines himself by a tribe.  Such tribe most likely will have defined spiritual borders and defined physical borders.  It is up to those tribe members, despite the lies (politics) that Europe (via puppet governments) try to impose on him, he must stick with reality.  Stick to their real borders and have exchanges with their tribal members - by any means necessary.  They can and should come up with a lie to counter the European lie that they are a nation.

And this is why it is best for Black folks, in general, to throw away their television.  If everyone has to fight through the lies, many can be left with doubts.  Too much doubts can weaken a person.  Better that they deal with the day-to-day activities of life amongst themselves, and leave a delegation to be the watchmen and manipulate things within the fog.

In the same token, FBA must understand that the FBA tribe is the reality.  They are a tribe.  But the politics, and tribalism, etc are all means to an end.  Its not reality. Its lies to fight other lies and should be kept over there.  In the fog is where these lies should remain.  In the fog is where we confront whites and leave them in that realm, the realm of lies.

And when we go home, when we relax on the weekend, when we deal with one another, tribe to tribe,  brother to brother, African to African, there should be no place for politics, tribalism, or any other lies that's needed to deal with RWS.

Certain things must be relegated to the World of Thought and entertained only up to the World of Speech.  Meaning, RWS may introduce ideas, and we (the watchmen) can hear them out, weigh their worth, and speak about it with them, debate, come up with counter sides, etc.  And at the end of the day, do nothing. Accept nothing from them.  Certain proposals whites will come up with should be treated just like that.  Like the big zero that it is.

This brings me to the topic of money.  Which way should this go?  What is money?  Money is the symbol (fiat) of the value of an item or service.  Because precious stones do not have the same meaning to Europeans, they also see gold, diamonds, etc as fiat money. Probably anyone who has  lost the meaning of precious stones, gold, diamonds will see those as fiat.

In pre-colonial communities, there were a lot of bartering.  Giving goods and services in exchange for other real goods and services.  Everything was kept in the real physical world.  Even trading gold, diamonds, and precious stones was bartering.  It was barter because it had value and purpose.  It was a good to be bartered.  But as European influence pervades, we begin to forget the purpose of things in this world.  We begin to forget that everything in the spiritual/abstract world has a corresponding counterpart in the physical world.  We begin to think like the European.  And gold, diamonds, precious stones are seen as just dazzling, but without purpose and function.

But there are shaman who say that the precious stones are the good that remained from the ancestorsThis is pure value. True value. In fact, there are many who uses precious stones to put on various parts of their body in order to open blocks.  Sapphire being the most important because it opens mental blocks.  It's the ancestors still around, still helping us.  But if these are not your ancestors (Hello European), then its seen as just another fiat money, just another symbol of value.

Precious stones are one of the portals between the abstract and the concrete, the spiritual and the physical.  But there are other portals as well.  Wine, for instance.  Any alcoholic drink for that matter.  Possibly drugs. These go from the physical and into the spiritual.

Money -- the idea of money -- is another portal.  But it goes from the spiritual down towards the physical.  The wrong direction.  This opens the door to "fallen" entities.

But nevertheless, as long as there will be dealings with Europeans, money has to be taken seriously and handled delicately. .Lies have to be taken seriously and handled cleverly. They all must be maneuvered well.  But neither should ever be taken to heart. Never let them be a barrier between Africans, between brothers.  Never let them have too much of an effect on reality.  You will know that money is having an adverse effect if you feel greed coming on (wanting yet more and more and never satisfied, or trying to save to the point of sacrificing needs, like not buying adequate food, or nutritious food because fast food is cheaper.).   You will know that lies are having an adverse effect if you feel confusion. The remedy for the money is to give charity.  Every once in a while just give charity, don't let money hold you too tightly.  Find a black organization and give generously.  The remedy against the confusion are the ancestors. Stay connected with them however that you can. Review their teachings.

In fact, not everyone should have to face colonialists or RWS. Only the TRAINED warrior class.

So, as the ADOS/FBA organize and prepare to demand reparations and justice for the wrongs afflicted upon them, money is a definite option if you're getting from RWS because lies and money is about all they really have. 

Story: Let Us Make Man

Once upon a time, Gd decided to create mankind.  He summoned his ministers, Truth, Kindness, and Peace.  "What do you all think about my plan to create mankind?"

"Don't do it!!" cried Truth, "they will lie and cause wars!"
"Don't do it!!" cried Peace, "they will start wars and destroy Peace."
"Yes, do it!" said Kindness, "can you imagine the kindness they will produce for one another?!"

So Gd took Truth and threw him down to the ground, and He proceeded to make man.

Why did he throw Truth to the ground?  Why not Peace? Peace also didn't want man either.  Because the TRUE source of problems is the deception and lies that certain men put out.  That is the source of all the problems, that is the source that drives peace away.  After taking counsel, Gd then made man from the very ground Truth was IN.  The end.