Monday, March 28, 2016

Let's Create a Dictionary! -- Updates!

Hey folks,

One weapon that is used against us is the weapon of lies... using words in such a way that we get side blinded.

Well, I think it's important that we create for ourselves a temporary dictionary were we all can access and understand the world better because the words are reduced to commonly used terms.

For example:  Instead of saying "Army" we define it as "a gang working for a national government"; "Media" = "american court system"; "Rules" = "barriers install by Elites", etc.

If you have any great example, put them  in the comment section and we'll create an online dictionary.

Let's do this!


Thank you, Kim for the additions:

Facebook - a tool of distraction and misinformation
Police - Slave patrol
Courts - a place where the lives of black men and black women are destroyed
Child Support - a tool used to keep mothers and fathers fighting

More updates: Thanks Devorah!
1- "War on Terror"= Blaming Muslims for things white America got away with for 400 years.

2- "Thug"= Black people killed by the police in questionable/mysterious or illegal circumstances. 

3- "Police Force"= Armed militia.

4- "KKK"= Police Force (Some have been found to be in white nationalist groups). 

5- "Education System"= Establishment brainwashing, usually affecting African-American history. 

6- "Political Parties (Democrat/Republican)"= Corporate Establishment. 

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