Monday, March 4, 2019

Story: Let Us Make Man

Once upon a time, Gd decided to create mankind.  He summoned his ministers, Truth, Kindness, and Peace.  "What do you all think about my plan to create mankind?"

"Don't do it!!" cried Truth, "they will lie and cause wars!"
"Don't do it!!" cried Peace, "they will start wars and destroy Peace."
"Yes, do it!" said Kindness, "can you imagine the kindness they will produce for one another?!"

So Gd took Truth and threw him down to the ground, and He proceeded to make man.

Why did he throw Truth to the ground?  Why not Peace? Peace also didn't want man either.  Because the TRUE source of problems is the deception and lies that certain men put out.  That is the source of all the problems, that is the source that drives peace away.  After taking counsel, Gd then made man from the very ground Truth was IN.  The end.

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