If I look at the above picture, I would say, "An African man has a spear."
I wouldn't say an African man IS a spear. Meaning, the spear is not what makes the person. The person possess the spear, the spear is in his control and he's not possessed by the spear.
In Ebonics (as well as in Hebrew) the verb "is" is hardly used. "you good?" "You in the house?""the car red" instead of the car is red. Talking this way keeps the subject intact. The subject of the sentence does not BECOME the adjective. "The car red" The car has the color red connected to it, but the car itself is not declared red. The essence of the car remains intact, and red is simply an attribute.
This should also be for emotions. If we say, "I am angry."or "I am happy.." its as if we're saying that we ARE the adjective. Adjectives are words that support and describe a noun. Its a support. When you say, "I am angry" and declare yourself an adjective, that means you are a support to Anger. You are under Anger. You are possessed by the spirit of Anger.
But you should not be under anyone or anything. You can HAVE anger, or you can HAVE happiness. In those cases you are more in control. Just like holding a spear. You HAVE a "spear."
Religion, it seems, was SUPPOSED to help elevate people to a place higher than spirit, higher than emotions. For this reason there are festive days, where you rouse yourself, no matter what is actually happening in your life, and be happy. Good food, good tempo music, fragrance, all these help to bring happiness. Also, there are fast days. Days of affliction. In those days, a person thinks sad thoughts, eats little or nothing, and do whatever it takes to bring themselves to sadness. Basically, they are training to have emotions ON COMMAND.
The NBM (New Black Media) have definitely shepherd the FBA into a new level. The World of Speech. But what's required in this new level is a good control of the spirits and emotions. What can be done here is the mitigation of judgments. It all depends on how well the cards are played.
Control of the Spirits and Emotions
The keys for controlling spirit and emotion are WORDS. It can be the difference between a "loser" and "someone who never quits" If you think about it, both are losing. But the one who "never quits" have not resigned themselves to this conclusion yet, and so there is still hope that he will succeed eventually. (But at the moment, they are both losers!)
It can be the difference between a "thug" and a "crazy kid." Both are doing unapproved things, but one, his whole essence is labeled by the thing he did, whereas the other one, essentially is still a kid, just doing a crazy thing.
Now even though we are bombarded with very negative portrayal of black people in the media, when we attempt to correct this, often times we are coming from a place of emotion. A place of retaliatory spirit, a place of hurt. So along with our response comes a string of other spirits and emotions. This is like hitting someone with a log versus a laser precision beam directed at a problem. With the log, more than what needed to be hit gets hit. With the laser precision beam, only that which needed the hitting gets hit.
The RWS FakeMedia uses every opportunity to disparage Black people. But if you pay attention to how its done exactly, its done with a very cool air. It's very calmly done. No heated words. In other words, its done in such a light way, that only the choiced word inflicts the blow, but everything else is kept light and snappy. Only the afflicted ones feel the sting, the other viewers remain oblivious to it.
Should there be always be two medium? Should there be a black media and a white media, because they communicate very differently? Should the New Black Media consider having a "white audience" department, preferably in written form? Who is reaching out to the GWP (good white people)?
Mitigating Judgments
Speaking of words, the N-word is the perfect pavlovian dog test. Black folks have been taught and trained that if they ever hear that word, they must fight. If they ever hear that word, they have to go to jail. That is too much power! Thankfully, the youth have mitigated that word into "nigga" which is now arguably the most sought-after word in the English language, the one that crowns you "cool."
That was a hit or miss. But in the world of Speech, we can't afford hit or misses. Words must be calculated. The mitigating of judgment must be purposeful. Just as in the case of when the media attempted to slander Michael Jackson, thanks to the efforts of NBM, many did not buy it.
With the steady and continuous drumbeat that is going on, anything is possible. Even staunch critics of the New Black Media, such as Diallo Kenyatta thinks reparation is possible (not 100% sure if its from the NBM or not). But the main thing is to not be reactionary, otherwise who is truly at the helm?
The Cheatings
It was revealed recently, in the RWS's Media, that several popular figures, white celebrities, had cheated and lied to get their children into schools, to give their children degrees, scholarships, and so on. This itself should not be big news, liars lie, water is wet.
The question is why did this explode now? Were the embattled media moguls going after white women in the name of revenge from the MeToo movement? Was this really an act of the Feds justly going after an injustice?
Whatever the case, a side effect was the revelation to the Black world just how deep the rabbit hole went. There is no competition. All that revving of the motor trying to go to school to learn a skill, to reach a high position, to do better, to compete, all that effort to pull oneself up by the bootstraps, etc. was pointless. The game was rigged all along.
I don't even know if I'd call it racism at this point. It's just power trying to maintain their power grip.
And so what's the answer to this?
Nothing. We have our goal and must keep rising steadily through the spirals of time.
Round 1: We are born. We are nothing. We grow. Realize our good traits. Hone those good traits. One good trait brings on more good traits. Finally the person is whole. A skillful, upstanding hueman being.
Round 2: As a person, we are complete. But as a community we are nothing. Again, we grow -- find spouse, have children, find other like-minded, developed families and combine forces to create a whole, self-sufficient community.
Round 3. As a nation, we are nothing. Again, we grow. Discover other good communities we can come together with. Finally the nation is whole.
This should always be the goal. And no matter what interesting news and distraction that comes up, we can look a minute, but then get back to the goal. Don't let the distractions deter us from our goal.
As first huemans, we were born into a peaceful time. A time where we could explore and create and discover and develop. Mathematics, science, medicine, architecture, art, all these were born from peaceful living. There are yet more "babies" to be born. But we need the peaceful living for them to come. Stress makes us too infertile, like the very same wicked people who seek to hurt and kill -- who only know money and lies -- who promote racism and injustice. Stay away from these stress-makers as much as possible. People who worship idols -- i.e. money are as infertile as their empty gods are. Stick to the plan. Create a safe haven. Teach the children. Raise crops. The sooner we are self-sufficient, the easier it will be to detach from any society that doesn't have our well-being at heart.
As for dealing with the wicked people, a warrior class is needed. The NBM is part of that class. but meanwhile, what of developing the children? The home? The person? The community? We can't all go as a herd to one task. There are many tasks. Different people must take on different roles. That's what makes the community work.