Friday, February 15, 2019

Pursuit of Peace versus Establishing Peace.

MLK Jr. said we integrated into a burning house. This message should follow every time someone brings up the "I Have A Dream" speech.

Black folks will watch this video and be disgusted with the injustice of it all. Some may even go out and protest, just as they protested for other white victims of injustice.
White folks will see this... but I hardly see them protesting injustice ... now it could be that the media doesn't give them air time.  Perhaps white on white crime isn't juicy enough.  Or it could be that them protesting will reveal that poor whites are also victimized -- something elites will not want the public to know lest it derail their control. and brings an end to their system.

Or it could be that we, black folks, whose DNA was formed at a time of peace simply can't stand injustice.  There had to have been peace in order to have had time to develop so much in medicine, science, art, mathematics, agriculture, and so on. in ancient Kush and ancient Kemet -- so we know the value of justice and the long reaching implications of injustice, where as white folks whose DNA may have been formed via mutation (anomaly, error, problems? and reinforced by their harsh European living conditions have adapted to turning a blind eye to injustice because that's all they've known. Like they've been taught to pursue justice, but its something that's never been attained.

Most likely all of the above.  If poor whites could know and trust that it is actually possible to have a truly good society where they don't have to be poor anymore.  They can be all right and live peacefully with their own with no war and abundant to eat.  (And if the desire for war still lives in them, perhaps video games???)  If white folks can turn towards justice, there is hope for them.  If Black folks can just walk away from the burning house -- before we learn and become unjust people, too -- and build their own home and enforce peace and justice for themselves, we won't have to worry about the elites and their greed and blood lust.

A story from the Talmud:

Once upon a time, Gd decided to create mankind.  He summoned his ministers, Truth, Kindness, and Peace.  "What do you all think about my plan to create mankind?"

"Don't do it!!" cried Truth, "they will lie and cause wars!"
"Don't do it!!" cried Peace, "they will start wars and destroy Peace."
"Yes, do it!" said Kindness, "can you imagine the kindness they will produce for one another?!"

So Gd took Truth and threw him down to the ground, and He proceeded to make man.

Why did he throw Truth to the ground?  Why not Peace? Peace also didn't want man either.  Because the TRUE source of problems is the deception and lies that certain men put out.  That is the source of all the problems, that is the source that drives peace away.  After taking counsel, Gd then made man from the very ground Truth was IN.  The end.

True enough the first men created must have had long eras of peace as truth was etched in their very being.  With this peace, they developed medicine, science, mathematics, architecture, agriculture and so on as mentioned above.  This is proven from the relics found by archeologists, artifacts stolen and on display in European museum/warehouses, and to this day, the Ancient Kemetic papyrus of medicine are still being deciphered. Civilization soon spread to all of Africa where they built the University of Timbuktu,.
Now somehow the Neanderthal mixed with the hue-mans and we have the now European people.  Sadly, we have seen too often their deception, their cruelty, and hatred that spread like wild fire scorching the earth. They oppress people for their own pornographic pleasures.  They kill animals for sport.  They pollute the water and air for greed. And all the while is the GREAT LIE that they are innocent peaceful people who only look to create civilizations and "spread democracy."   Just one look at their kangaroo courts in America will reveal otherwise.
We cannot look to them to establish peace.  Yes, they can pursue it, or at least speak of pursuing it, like a cotangent line on a graph that never quite reaches its destination.  But we have had peace.  We know peace. Its up to us to establish peace -- at least for ourselves.

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