Friday, February 15, 2019

Pursuit of Peace versus Establishing Peace.

MLK Jr. said we integrated into a burning house. This message should follow every time someone brings up the "I Have A Dream" speech.

Black folks will watch this video and be disgusted with the injustice of it all. Some may even go out and protest, just as they protested for other white victims of injustice.
White folks will see this... but I hardly see them protesting injustice ... now it could be that the media doesn't give them air time.  Perhaps white on white crime isn't juicy enough.  Or it could be that them protesting will reveal that poor whites are also victimized -- something elites will not want the public to know lest it derail their control. and brings an end to their system.

Or it could be that we, black folks, whose DNA was formed at a time of peace simply can't stand injustice.  There had to have been peace in order to have had time to develop so much in medicine, science, art, mathematics, agriculture, and so on. in ancient Kush and ancient Kemet -- so we know the value of justice and the long reaching implications of injustice, where as white folks whose DNA may have been formed via mutation (anomaly, error, problems? and reinforced by their harsh European living conditions have adapted to turning a blind eye to injustice because that's all they've known. Like they've been taught to pursue justice, but its something that's never been attained.

Most likely all of the above.  If poor whites could know and trust that it is actually possible to have a truly good society where they don't have to be poor anymore.  They can be all right and live peacefully with their own with no war and abundant to eat.  (And if the desire for war still lives in them, perhaps video games???)  If white folks can turn towards justice, there is hope for them.  If Black folks can just walk away from the burning house -- before we learn and become unjust people, too -- and build their own home and enforce peace and justice for themselves, we won't have to worry about the elites and their greed and blood lust.

A story from the Talmud:

Once upon a time, Gd decided to create mankind.  He summoned his ministers, Truth, Kindness, and Peace.  "What do you all think about my plan to create mankind?"

"Don't do it!!" cried Truth, "they will lie and cause wars!"
"Don't do it!!" cried Peace, "they will start wars and destroy Peace."
"Yes, do it!" said Kindness, "can you imagine the kindness they will produce for one another?!"

So Gd took Truth and threw him down to the ground, and He proceeded to make man.

Why did he throw Truth to the ground?  Why not Peace? Peace also didn't want man either.  Because the TRUE source of problems is the deception and lies that certain men put out.  That is the source of all the problems, that is the source that drives peace away.  After taking counsel, Gd then made man from the very ground Truth was IN.  The end.

True enough the first men created must have had long eras of peace as truth was etched in their very being.  With this peace, they developed medicine, science, mathematics, architecture, agriculture and so on as mentioned above.  This is proven from the relics found by archeologists, artifacts stolen and on display in European museum/warehouses, and to this day, the Ancient Kemetic papyrus of medicine are still being deciphered. Civilization soon spread to all of Africa where they built the University of Timbuktu,.
Now somehow the Neanderthal mixed with the hue-mans and we have the now European people.  Sadly, we have seen too often their deception, their cruelty, and hatred that spread like wild fire scorching the earth. They oppress people for their own pornographic pleasures.  They kill animals for sport.  They pollute the water and air for greed. And all the while is the GREAT LIE that they are innocent peaceful people who only look to create civilizations and "spread democracy."   Just one look at their kangaroo courts in America will reveal otherwise.
We cannot look to them to establish peace.  Yes, they can pursue it, or at least speak of pursuing it, like a cotangent line on a graph that never quite reaches its destination.  But we have had peace.  We know peace. Its up to us to establish peace -- at least for ourselves.

Monday, February 11, 2019

ADOS, Tangibles2020

Prior to Israel becoming a Jewish State in 1948,  the way one becomes Jewish was either if (1) the mother is Jewish or (2) a court of three righteous men proclaim the convert to be Jewish and they go through the mikveh process.

Actually, even after Israel became a state, that was the standard procedure for a while.  But this grew into a problem.  If any three righteous men could come together and "produce" a Jew, the State was loosing control of who could enter as a Jewish citizen, there was no limit as to the number of people who were eligible for benefits, citizenship, and any other thing reserved for the Jewish people. With physical borders came a need for spiritual borders.

Then the Rabbanut was created.  It is the religious branch of the State of Israel.  Once this body was created, they decided to recognize only their own conversion and a very few select group of three-men courts' conversion located outside of Israel..  That left many rabbis out, and their conversions null as far as the State is concerned.  Now only the Rabbanut and a few select courts could give out the "Jewish card."

Many protest this. Even to this day there is great protest about it.  What is the answer? What is the right way to go?

In the same way, Black Americans are finding themselves in a similar predicament.  As they galvanize to make demands of the politicians, as many other lobbying groups do for their constituents, they are realizing that they need to really define themselves and give themselves borders.  This will upset many.  Many will be upset that they can't just pick up a "Black card" by simply saying a few words or doing a few actions that, while it could result in them getting invited to all the barbeques, will now not have the power to grant them the "Black card."

What about Pan Africanism?  While that should be the goal, as brother Tariq Nasheed pointed out, it has been a one way street with Black Americans doing more to incorporate Africans, and almost no Africans welcoming Black Americans, at least not on a national level.

Granted African countries may have puppets for governmental heads which may leave the citizens with their hands tied, but there are some countries that seem more free than others such as Bukino Faso and Ghana.

The three-men court is the more natural way, the way that it has always been in the Jewish world.  And Pan Africanism, with black folks recognizing that we have something deeply in common which is Blackness, which is more than just a color, is the more natural way to go.  But we are dealing with an unatural nemesis which is RWS that seeks to kill and destroy (a.k.a. Esav).  Because of this, an unnatural detour may be needed every once in a while.

As long as the separation does not remain like this forever, and that eventually each group reconnected with one another, it may be wise to clench the teeth, curl up the toes, fist up the hands and push through with this ADOS movement so that Black Americans can obtain their reparations and other decided-upon tangibles.

Sunday, February 10, 2019


When SWS are being accused, they deflect and reroute everyone to Black faults. Black folks, in their haste to be just, are willing to throw their own under the jail.  But they do not stop to see the slick bypass white criminals get.

They don't see these injustices because they depend on the television to guide their thoughts.
And the white media is the kangaroo court for RWS.  They promote the status quo, they condemn the ones they want condemned, and they uplift those they choose to uplift.

Its immature to know the history of America, the attempt at oppressing us as slaves, then hold back as long as possible before surrendering rights, looking the other way as the police departments get infiltrated with race soldiers, and to still think that they are not out to hurt us.

And even the television films and sitcoms also promote RWS, with almost every main character is a white male, with a buffoon Black side kick.  Or the horror shows, where the Black character is always the stupidest and the first to die off.

The reason why these blatant afflictions are not seen is because most Black folks grew up with a steady diet of this TV message.  It's like air.  It's almost unnoticeable.  And the fact that it's imagery, not words, the idea goes straight to the mind without questions, without understanding.

The way to combat this is with words.  Speech.  Talking one to the other.  Listening to the many, many titans who have sounded the alarm for us, John Henrik Clarke, Frances Cress Welsing, Dr. Amos Wilson (may their memory be a blessing); the New Black Media, Professor Black Truth, The Black Authority, Tariq Nasheed (may they live and be well), and the lone voices who are also a beacon of truth, such as Diallo Kenyatta (May he live and be well).


We have got to break the glass ceiling and reach into the world of speech (see the spirituality).  Our Sage, Neely Fuller, Jr. (May he be protected) said Black folks should not bother speaking with other Black folks unless it's about something constructive, something that will help to dismantle RWS.

People can hear this and think, let me just separate from other Black folks then.  That doesn't work.  That is the precursor to coonery.  We need to communicate to one another, and speak truth to one another.  Speaking truth helps to keep it fresh in our mind so that we not become tricked by the continuous lies.  Black folks speaking truth to each other is like one nerve endings (A Black person) jumping through the synapses (the space between the two talking lips) and onto the other nerve ending (Black person)...the collective brain begins to be activated.  But you can't include liars and deceivers in this process.

RWS love lazy thinking.  They want to box people and not let them out of that box, lest they have to actually think deeper.  This is why if someone is vegan, and they decide to eat a bit of meat, they are chastized and ostracized, there's no room for deviation, Its for this reason that a formerly overweight model was hated on by anti fat-shaming activists because she decided to loose weight.for her health.  In their minds, life is like a game.  Black people who are very identifiable are the "bad guys," and white people, as long as they serve WS, are the good guys.  And just to make sure their team is tight, they insist that everyone conforms to the same look -- the exact same look, even if the women have to bleach their hair blond, wear contacts to get blue eyes, and do and say the cued thing.

So when one of theirs is caught in criminal activity, that forces them to think.  Can we be criminals?  Are we capable of being in error?  They won't go there.  It's a pandora's box for them.  So they would rather bring out Black "bad guys" and parade them across their white media and slander them, all the while work frantically behind the scenes to decriminalize their own criminals, by dropping the charges, reducing the sentences, or there is media silence on that story.

Those who watch television a lot, can miss all the goings-on behind the scene.  And if they don't communicate and listen to their titans, they will not come to understand this insidious trickery.  The media will pull a switch-a-roo and take away the white criminal from viewers and replace them with their favorite "bad guy" the Black person.

We connect physically by walking over and coming close to another person.  We unite spiritually by looking the same or acting the same.  RWS attach and latch on to a BW or a BM by the sin they committed or the evil they did.  For this reason, other Black folks will see these BF paraded in the news and think, yes, they were wrong and must be punished.  But as the proverb goes..

"Away from the eyes, away from the heart." 

They don't notice how the white criminals are set aside.  They fail to understand and notice that the white criminals are not getting the same treatment, because RWS society, as a whole, is evil.  They know it.  They're just hoping you won't know it.  And that is not justice.  This is just evil people who found a way to latch onto someone through their imperfection, not with the hopes of fixing them, or helping them, or making them better, but to feed on them.

They feed on them because now they have someone the white media can chew on and condemn.  They feed on them so as to hide their own criminals.  They feed on them to grow the prison system which is the new slavery system.  They feed on them to increase their statistics that Black people are criminals.  They feed on them to prove to themselves that Black people are, in fact, the bad guys.
This may be a small step in justice in the eyes of Black people, but is it really?  Especially if it serves to incriminate the collective at the end of the day?

And this understanding gave birth to the FirstThem movement by Tariq Nasheed.

For us, justice must be served/  But these white people of America are the last ones who should be serving it.  We need another way.  A way that is within our people.  And as for the white criminals, as far as the white media is concerned, they can do whatever they want with their own criminals.  But they are in no position to take black imperfect people and decide what the sentence should be because they cannot detangle themselves from their own stupidity and pleasure seeking.  Black people are worker and entertainers for them.  That's all they see.  Surely we know that by now.

So as far as they are concerned, tell them FirstThem. If they try to bring up a Black criminal, give them a mirror that they should worry about their own criminal elements among them.  But let's not free Black criminals off the hook.  Amongst ourselves, we must decided a codified way to deal with them.

Friday, February 8, 2019

The Titans, the Opposers, the Coons, and the Vultures


We all know the important figures that stand out.  The Titans who try to bring about positive change for their community.  We also know there tend to many titans, each with a slightly different agenda.  But the overall goal is the same, self-autonomy for their people, reasonable wealth and prosperity, justice, and peace.


We know the opposers as well.   Those who have the need to oppress, who's mark of victory is relative, and so therefore never satisfied.  Those who want everyone under their dominion, control, and oppression -- basically, they seem to have come down to the earth for not other reason than to rape it.

But there are other, minor players to be concerned with.

The Coons.

This is not a nice name. I don't even know how they ended up with that titled. But the coons are those who's people stand to benefit from the activities of the Titans, but nevertheless, they have been so comfortable in their oppression, that they will fight to maintain that status quo. A truer name would be traitor, if it was done on purpose.

The vultures.

And then we have the vultures.  Every righteous person, every source of light is always surrounded by darkness.  Every good character trait has wickedness around.  Meaning, you can be diligent in the right measure.  But if you go too far, and become a workaholic, that's not good.  And if you go too far the other way, and become lazy, that's also not good.  The right measure is the right measure.  Good is encased by evil, or husks.  Just  like an orange is surrounded (and protected) by the peel.  The peel would be considered the "evil" or the "husk" that must be peeled away and discarded, to get to the real goodness.

So, too, good people are always surrounded by shady ones.  Opportunists.  In the Jewish world, there were rabbis who always had their groupies around them.  They were called the "askanim."  They were his secretary, or driver, or had some odd task here and there.  Some would try to interpret the rabbi's words and try and twist it to what they wanted it to be.   Others would try to decide who gets to see the rabbi and who doesn't.  The poor rabbis were often very old and frail or oblivious, for one reason or another, to all of this.

I want to urge the Titans in the Black world to beware of this.  The vultures that stay close.  You can spot the wicked ones because they will run to you with gossip about what so-and-so said.  They will try and stir trouble, in the name of protecting your dignity. I guess these titans don't really follow the titans. More like they follow the titan's shadow, they feed off of the titan's imperfections.  Is the titan too disparaging towards a certain group?  Expect cackles of laughter from the hyenas.  Is the titan very critical at something?  Expect shaming and slander from the hyenas.  Is the titan rich?  Expect non-righteous beggars.

Not everyone surrounding the titans tend to be wicked.  The bulk are not. But there are always thsse hyenas lurking around.  .

The best remedy I can think of for this is that the titans speak to one another.  Just like they did when they came together for the Tariq, PBT, TBA combo broadcast.  There are other titans out there.  I urge you all to work together for the benefit of the collective.and to beware of the vultures..

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Wanted: Activated Black Folks

There was once a country with insecure borders.  They received word that an enemy was coming to attack them.  The leader of this country galvanized the people and prepared for war.  When they were ready, they all lined up at the northern border ready for the fight.

Little did they know the enemy troops were sneaking in through the southern, eastern, and western border looting and plundering the land.  Once in a while, the enemy would send a small regiment to start a skirmish at the northern border just to keep the countrymen in anticipation....

This could be Black folks if we are not careful!!

We have many warriors and soldiers ready to fight Racism and White Supremacy.  That is the glorious fight. That is definitely the loudest fight.  The media focuses on it, you feel relevant when fighting it, and it's a noble fight.  But it's only the northern border.

The same entity that masquarades as White Supremacists will have no problem killing whites when the time is right.  Its really nothing but an ideology of death and destruction looking for targets.  As of now, Black folks are the main target, but if they killed every Black person around, they would turn to whites.  The goal is death and destruction.

But killing humans isn't the only target.  These haters are also hunting animals for sport; they are also polluting the air, the water, the land;  they are the same ones ruining the plants, the forest, etc.  These are one and the same with the same ideology of death and destruction.

So for those who are fighting for justice against RWS, great honors to you all!!

Sure, there is the New Black Media leading the way and chopping away at the thickets for us.  But they are only a branch in the bigger organization.  This is the media branch.  And they are doing a fantastic job! Thankfully, now the conversation is changing. Although its hard to pinpoint exactly what to contribute to the NBM, but we can see a RWS was charged as a terrorist for the first time in New York, a candidate is actually putting on the table talk of reparations for Black folks, and the Black male witch hunt fizzled into nagging background noise.

Nevertheless, we should not forget animal rights. The animals have been with us since the beginning.  Even before White folks.  Do we dare turn our backs to our silent (but not really silent) friends?

The environment have been with us since the beginning.  Long before the White hateful people.  Should we let them harass this, too?

Have faith in yourselves!

Yes, it's true.  We have a hard time getting on code.

Well true and not true.  Other groups clearly get on code.  When there is a criminal among them, they protect that criminal and make sure he never knows justice.  He is never punished.  In fact, the criminal is let free back into their community.

In the Black community, on the other hand, I have seen mothers turning over their own criminal son to the police department. People shouting for joy when a black criminal is thrown in jail or killed.

Justice matters to us.

And that is the reason why when Martin Luther King, Jr. rallied for a march, hundreds showed up.  When it was time for Black lives Matter, hundreds showed up.  Million Man March, thousands, if not a million.  Unified.  On code.

Its because justice matters to us -- and clearly not to them -- that is why it is crucial that there be Black folks in the animal rights activism, in the clean environment activism, etc.

We need the "Well, I just wants to help the aminals." innocent, straight-forward, stubborn Black folks in the activism camp.  And we need the "Aw, Hell Naw!!" loud mouth to blow the whistle against trickery and deception perpetuated at so-called activist groups.

The raw honesty is good.  But in addition, we need to get drunk into whatever activism we delve into. If its animals, we should learn all there is to know about them, their environment, what they eat, what they like, who's their enemy.

We owe it to the world.